Excited for 2023 & Celebrating 2022
February 2023

As we complete the first month of year we look forward to a great 2023 for our clients, referring/joint-venturing partners, and employees.
2022 was a big year for our firm, we gained a new partner, changed our firm name for the first time in 12 years, and had a banner year of settlements for our clients across Texas and around the country.

New Partner & New Name
In April, we were excited welcome David E. Olesky to our firm as a partner. In honor of David joining the firm we changed the name to Miller Weisbrod Olesky . David has jumped into our birth injury and medical malpractice section to help the firm increase cases and push cases faster to trial.
It has not been a slow start by any means! David recently wrapped up a weeks-long trial against Ohio State in a birth trauma case arising from a uterine rupture.
Continuing Excellence in All Areas of
Catastrophic Injury and Wrongful Death
Clay Miller continues to litigate and try a wide variety of tort cases ranging from trucking and commercial vehicle accidents to work/construction accidents as well as products liability, premises liability and even aviation disasters.

Clay and Josh Birmingham continue to aggressively purse a wrongful death aviation crash that occurred in Alaska and is pending in both Washington and Alaska state courts.
On the commercial vehicle side, the firm celebrated a settlement for a young female client that suffered catastrophic injuries to her lower leg when her vehicle was struck by a company truck. Clay aggressively litigated the case and was able to secure a $7,000,000 settlement just 9 months after being hired and filing suit.
Upcoming trials for 2023 include cases involving a brain injury and wrongful death from 2 different premises security cases against a major apartment complex owner, a gross negligence workers’ compensation death case against a large pipeline company, numerous wrongful death trucking cases, a premises case involving serious injuries to a contractor at a meat processing plant and a dram shop case that left our young client brain injured.
Record Year for Birth Injury
and Medical Malpractice Settlements
Our birth injury and medical negligence practice celebrated one of its best years of results for young children injured at, or shortly after birth. We successfully resolved cases not only in Texas, but in New Mexico, Iowa, Georgia and Ohio.

Some of the notable 2022 settlement amounts despite restrictive damage caps include:
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Placental Abruption
Nuchal Cord: Brain Damage MAS
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Neonatal Seizures
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Neonatal Seizures
Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury
Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury
Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury
Birth Injury: Neonatal Stroke
In 2023 are actively litigating birth injury and medical malpractice cases in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Iowa , Utah, Montana, Ohio, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Arkansas .
Helping babies who have suffered
known complications from Baby Formula

Our mass tort department is led by firm partner Alexandra V. Boone . We are investigating and litigating cases involving a known complication of cow’s milk baby formula when provided to premature babies. This devastating medical condition called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) damages the baby’s intestinal walls and was a known risk to some of the largest cow’s milk baby formula manufacturers of brands like Similac © and Enfamil©.
We will be handling these cases nationwide. Many of our client’s are older children (past the age of 2), but the discovery rule applies to these cases and we believe there will still be a cause of action if we can prove exposure and injury.
Looking forward to 2023

At Miller Weisbrod Olesky we know our past and future successes are dependent upon referring and joint-venturing lawyers and law firms that put their trust into us to aggressively pursue those who are responsible for the catastrophic injuries and lost loved ones of our mutual clients.
We look forward to continuing the wonderful relationships we have built over the past thirty plus years and hope we can add you and your firm to our circle of friends and colleagues helping out victims across Texas and the United States.